
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Favorite Things

Some of my new favorite things:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Single-Minded to the Point of Annoying

Lately I find myself saying the same things over and over, my voice tinged with excitement, my eyes slightly damp. I think I'm going to start driving people crazy, but so far I've only gotten positive reactions. I'm slightly excited about all the things coming up this year for my family. My oldest will graduate from high school. My second oldest will (finally) get his drivers license AND begin his senior year of high school. My third son will finish up his Eagle Scout rank and enter High School. All three boys will go on a Mormon Pioneer Trek adventure in early June. And my dear daughter will get a kitten (if she can just keep up the litter-box duty for a while longer), enter sixth grade, and will probably learn to style her hair.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Fear and Rationality

Today, during the game I was playing with a group of 25 4th graders, someone softly said, "is that a spider?" And I had to exercise serious self-control to not run out of the little reading area, tossing papers and pens as I went. I slid to the side and said, "is it?" And they said no, it was just a piece of fluff floating down. Which it was. I said, "well... you got me!"

Also today, my daughter mentioned (I posted this on Facebook, so if you are my FB friend, apologies for the repetition!) that she thinks mascots are scary. She said, "I have mascot-a-phobia." and proceeded to compare the various costumed characters that have visited her school and tell me which one is the scariest.