
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I'm Not Dead Yet!

Just letting my handful of followers and my broader audience of looky-loos know I'm still around. I've been too busy to notice anything Soup-worthy of late. I'm sure there are some seriously awesome things going on in the world, but I work in a windowless school library and I have four children who keep me incredibly busy and make me laugh. You should see the three teenage boys doing the "Gangnam Style" flashmob dance. Here's the actual video. If you can get past the complete oddness of it, it's almost enjoyable!
Oh and have you seen THIS??

His name is Toby Turner, but his Youtube handle is Tobuscus. He has a lot of very silly videos. I really like "The Dramatic Song", but this next one is the one that gets trapped in my head, repeating all day long in my windowless library... 

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