
Monday, January 14, 2013

Best and Worst

I follow a blog called "It Just Gets Stranger", which is usually funny and always interesting. One thing he blogged recently were "Worst Things Ever" and "Best Things Ever" lists for 2013. I'm a TOTAL copycat (just ask my older sister, who liked Michael Jackson before I did) so I thought I would steal his idea and make my own lists. I'm not as funny as him, but I think it's good to send out the old year with spit in its eye and welcome the new with happy, hopeful, positive thoughts. 

Worst Things:
  1. Chocolate that's gone bad. Or began badly by being sold at the Dollar Store.
  2. Nose picking
  3. Mystery goo
  4. Exhaustion
  5. Working while exhausted
  6. Bears
  7. All creatures of the bee/wasp family
  8. Having to get up and go out on a freezing winter morning
  9. Husband getting laid off from work
  10. Craving fast food you know you can't really spend $ on right now...

Best Things:
  1. New blog followers!
  2. When kids you know see you in the store or the hall at school/church, and their eyes light up and they proclaim, "that's my (library/music) teacher!!" with a huge smile.
  3. A really, really good book
  4. An electric blanket
  5. Delicious soup
  6. When the whole family declares the meal you made a success
  7. Laughing so hard it hurts
  8. Sisters
  9. Ibuprofen
  10. The smell of the furnace coming on in October
  11. Crunchy fall leaves
  12. The first birds and buds of Spring
  13. Early summer sunrises
  14. Stars
  15. Music that tugs at your heart
  16. A really, really good movie
  17. Going home
  18. Dad hugs
  19. Holding hands
  20. Quiet
  21. My kids laughing

Now it's your turn. Comment below and tell us your best/worst things! Also, don't be shy, click "follow" up above, and then go visit my other blog: Film Critic's Daughter

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