
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Three Cool Things October 23

And now for your entertainment pleasure... some random cool stuff:

First up is a Youtube channel I  recently subscribed to, and have since spent an unreasonable amount of hours going back through their library of videos. The channel is called Mental Floss and they are quite popular (I'm usually late to the dance). Their videos consist of lists of varying length and subject matter about things you knew or never knew you needed to know, and a fast-talking, humorous host(s). It's definitely a Youtube channel worth your time. Here's a sample:

Second is another Youtube channel worth watching: VSauce. These videos will make you at least feel smarter, even if they don't actually have that effect. 

Third this week is my new favorite form of entertainment: Podcasts!! Just this week I started listening to a few that I hadn't ever heard before, and I was very pleasantly entertained for a couple of hours on Saturday as I cleaned my garage.

NPR (which used to stand for National Public Radio, but now stands alone) have many informative and entertaining shows, including the funny "Pop Culture Happy Hour", which is my first recommendation to you. 

The hosts are funny, the topics are current and the show is high quality. The first episode I listened to was "Gravity and the Thrill of the Fiasco", and I loved the discussion about fiascos in pop culture, including movies that were just plain terrible. Fun stuff. 

If you don't know what a podcast is, I think of it like a regularly scheduled radio show you can subscribe to (for more info, click here). Some happen weekly, some more or less often than that. You can download a podcast app if you have an Apple touch device, or you can use iTunes and then transfer the episodes you want to listen to to your device, or listen from your computer. 

So there you have it. Three cool things for the week. Enjoy!

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