
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

2014: The Year in Review

This is mostly for my personal use in the future, because I can barely remember what happened last week without checking my calendar, and one day I might wonder, "What year did I actually, in fact, lose my mind?" and I can skim through my blogs and hopefully find it. The date, not my mind. That's long gone.

This year, as always, was eventful for my family, filled with doctor, orthodontist, and dental appointments, piano lessons, tax returns and bills, haircuts, aches, pains and joys. My hubby isn't mentioned much below, but he continues to run the Hertz location here in our town, and dreams of golfing in the winter and skiing in summer.

In January, it snowed. Not much else happened. Well, there was some seriously good TV. Sherlock had season 3, which was just as wonderful as anticipated.

In February, we took our 3 still-home kids to Disneyland. It was really fun and the weather was nice and although we missed our oldest, who is still serving in the LDS DC South Spanish speaking mission, we all had a blast.

In March, Kriss and I celebrated our 22nd anniversary by not doing much of anything, which is typical for us middle-aged couples. We're happy, though, so that counts.

In April, Katie had her wisdom teeth out, because two of them were preventing her 2nd year molars from dropping and the orthodontist said he would have to wait to place braces until they started moving. Poor thing. She healed up fine, though, and moved on with her life. Ben campaigned and was chosen to be a Sophomore Class Officer for the upcoming school year.

In May, Adam graduated from High School, and Katie finished Elementary School. It was eventful and fun and we were all happy to have the school year end.

In June, we refinanced our house, which isn't a big deal to most people, but to take it down to only 15 years was huge for us. Ben turned 15 and started talking about getting his driving learners permit, and Katie turned 12 and started going to Young Women's!

In July, Katie went to YW camp, Ben went to Class Officers/SBOs camp, and I went to Hell and back, also known as an adult tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy. You hear about how bad it is as an adult, and you aren't hearing exaggerations. It was horrid. It really was like I took a 6 week vacation to Hell. I'm so glad I'm back. 

In August, I continued healing and got ready to head back to school for another year, along with Ben and Katie, and Adam started classes at SLCC. Adam also turned 18, so now he's a grownup, right? Isn't that how it works? 

In September, I took Ben and Katie to Salt Lake Comic Con, and it was really fun. It was also really crowded. We saw some cool things, attended some great panels and spent way more money that we should have. Ben got his permit and started nagging me to take him driving every week, and Adam started some new medication for his Crohn's. 

In October, our fence got vandalized (graffiti) and I got to call the police about it. Kriss and the neighbor managed to spray most of it off with the neighbor's pressure washer. 

In November, of course, we had Thanksgiving, which was celebrated at our house with Kriss' parents and sister's family. We were thrilled to get a new Christmas tree at the only store we went to for Black Friday. I also got most of my Christmas shopping done over Thanksgiving weekend, but did it all online.

In December, Kriss got a new calling at church, and is now our High Priests Group Leader. He will do a great job, I have no doubt. It's also been a busy month with parties, school events, a piano recital and book fair. I sang in our community production of Handel's Messiah, and led the ward choir and taught Relief Society this year. 

Of course, lots of other things happened, but those are the events that stand out to me as I think back over the year. We have a good life; we're very blessed to have loving family, friends and community around us. We have good jobs, our kids are healthy and we have a nice home. I'm mostly grateful, though, for the gospel of Jesus Christ. What a blessing to know He is my Savior and that He loves me. He has gotten me through some painful emotional trials this year, and I'm grateful.

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