
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 and The Four Agreements

I haven't published anything curious or soupy in a couple of weeks, so I'm just popping in to wish everyone a fantastic amazing New Year!  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, I certainly did. One of the great advantages of working for the school district is the time off with my family for the holidays. I only wish it was longer... well... maybe not really. It will be hard to go back tomorrow, but it will also be good to get back to our routine and get the kids away from their electronics. 

Time flies so fast, and I can't believe it's already another year. But I am happy to bid farewell to 2012, and breathlessly excited about everything coming my way in 2013. Some great things are going to happen this year, and I plan to just hold on and enjoy the ride. 

As for resolutions, I don't really make them. I make goals from time to time, as I become aware of something I want to do or improve on, and I see no reason to make a list of such items just because it's January. The truth is, a long list of goals never works for me. 

However, I have recently come across the book "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz, and while I didn't read it (I've been immersing myself in "The Wheel of Time" and other fiction this year-- I have phases and I'm not in a non-fiction phase right now), I liked the Agreements and the idea of living them really appeals to me. I have begun adopting them already ( a few months ago), but I haven't thought about them since Halloween ushered in the crazy holiday season. I plan to begin a concentrated focus on them for 2013 and the future in general, and I thought you might like them as well! 
This image, originating on Matt Townsend's Facebook page and floating around Facebook, defines the Agreements concisely and makes them very accessible. I'm not sure if Townsend is the creator of the image, or if there is another original source. If you know, please tell me and I will credit them accordingly. 

It's pretty self-explanatory, so I'll let it speak for itself:

As we begin a new year of craziness, I plan to adopt these ideals into my everyday life. I expect doing so will open me to immeasurable blessings and great peace and happiness, regardless of what life throws at me. Happy 2013, everyone!

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