
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Wasting Time on YouTube

Lately, my family has been greatly enjoying these time-wasters on YouTube. Enjoy!
  • Tobuscus- Real name Toby Turner. He's super funny and (mostly) clean and although my boys enjoy his video game videos (he plays them, recording himself reacting to the game-- amusing, but too long for me), I prefer his songs. 

Tobuscus' "Dramatic Song" makes me laugh. Every time.

Not sure why this one is funny, but it is. Truly.

My all-time favorite Tobuscus video, however, is this newer one where he 
rants about the crazy website password requirements and restrictions.
  • Julian Smith- Although I don't like his more violent videos, silly though they may be, I really like his other stuff. Including these:
LOVE this one. Love love love it.
Hee hee... 

I'm also including this one, simply because I LOVE it. 
  • How It Should Have Ended (HISHE) has some very funny videos, and some moderately amusing ones, but my favorites are easily the Superhero Cafe shorts, which started as end-credit sillies tacked onto the various superhero franchise film HISHE versions. 
"Super Social Network"

"Bat Phone"
  • Kid Snippets- The Roberts brothers profiled by the SL Tribune in June of 2011, and a couple of friends, first made funny family stories into videos where their kids (I assume) told the stories, but the adults acted them out. They're pretty funny- they're called "Kid History", also on YouTube. Lately, they've been making much shorter videos, called "Kid Snippets". I like the shorter format.

  • Bad Lip Reading- I don't like everything of theirs, some are just not funny, and some have some crude humor, but some of them are downright hilarious. Including these:

Edward and Bella- too funny...

Hee hee... 

This one has some potty humor, but my 
kids can't stop quoting everything else about it. 

And that's all I've got for you. If these YouTube channels don't eat up all your extra hours, you've got way too much free time. Enjoy!

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